Vráťa Brabenec


Muzikant, zahradník a drvoštěp, farmář a básník, saxofonista a textař legendární undergroundové skupiny The Plastic People of the Universe, po zahradnické škole v Mělníce studoval pět let evangelickou teologickou fakultu. Farářem se nakonec nestal, ale celý život sázel stromy – bude jich ke stu tisícům.
Byl zatčen a odsouzen v procesu se skupinou The Plastic People of the Universe, po propuštění z vězení byl donucen k emigraci. Žil pak s rodinou v Kanadě. Po patnácti letech se vrátil do Čech, kde se zas věnuje hudbě, zahradám a literatuře. Je autorem několika básnických sbírek a jeho texty patří k těm nejzajímavějším z konce minulého století.
V nakladatelství Meander vyšly jeho příběhy pro děti v knížce Všude je střed světa ilustrované Matějem Formanem nebo kniha Pajasan s ilustracemi Petra Josefíny Stibitzové.

Musician, gardener and wood chipper, farmer and poet, saxophonist and lyricist of the legendary underground group The Plastic People of the Universe, after horticultural school in Mělník he studied at the Evangelical Theological Faculty for five years. He did not become a pastor in the end, but he planted trees all his life - there will be up to one hundred thousand of them.
He was arrested and convicted in a trial with The Plastic People of the Universe, and after his release from prison, he was forced to emigrate. He then lived with his family in Canada. After fifteen years, he returned to Bohemia, where he again devoted himself to music, gardens, and literature. He is the author of several poetry collections and his texts are among the most interesting from the end of the last century.
His stories for children were published by Meander in the book Všude je střed světa illustrated by Matěj Forman.

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