Pablo Bernasconi


Narodil se v Buenos Aires. Dnes pracuje pro mnoho různých vydavatelství po celém světě. Jeho ilustrace můžete najít v La Nación, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, Daily Telegraph a The Times. 
Vydal deset dětských knih, které sám napsal i ilustroval. Za svou práci dostal několik ocenění a účastnil se přes deseti výstav v Argentině, Chile, Brazílii, Bolívii, New Yorku, Itálii a Londýně.

He was born in Buenos Aires. Today he works for many different publishers around the world. His illustrations can be found in La Nación, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, The Daily Telegraph and The Times.
He has published ten children's books, which he has written and illustrated himself. He has received several awards for his work and has participated in over ten exhibitions in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, New York, Italy and, London.

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